Shared Reading is such an important experience for new readers, especially Kinders. In the beginning, students need to be guided and supported by their teacher, and reading skills should be modeled in order to create readers that are fluent and proficient.
I use poetry as one source of text for Shared Reading. Students love poems, and they are excellent for teaching rhyme, fluency, tracking print, directionality, and more. The poems that I use are also SIGHT WORD POEMS, which are perfect for teaching sight words in text.
Before I introduce a new shared reading poem, we brainstorm the topic of our poem. The poem that we are reading is about leaves, so we created this chart that has "Leaves are" sentences. The students helped me use describing words to finish each sentence. This was also the perfect time to introduce our new sight word "are" because the poem that we will read uses the word "are" several times. I already know the words that are in the poem, so I often encourage students to use those words on our anchor chart. (without them knowing)
After creating our "Leaves are" anchor chart, we are now ready to read our poem.
I begin by introducing the poem to the students whole group on chart paper, using the projector, or even using a pocket chart. As I am reading the poem the first time, I make sure that I track print with my finger or a pointer. The second time, the students echo read with me, (I read, they read). We then try to find words we know. We know the word "are" from the anchor chart, so we highlight the word "are" throughout the poem. We also know the color words, so we color those using the correct color throughout the poem. Now that we have read it together, and identified words we know, we are ready to read it independently. We partner read, and we read it independently.
The following day, we re-read the poem that we have already learned. I then pull out a pocket chart version of the same poem. I let the students help me build the poem. As we are building, we talk about the words that we know as we place them in the chart. We also talk about the placement of the words and directionality. We discuss how the words need to have spaces between them, and we discuss the rhyming words that see.
Sometimes I mix the words all up, and let them help me place them back in order.
Sometimes, I leave out just a few words, and the students help me figure out which words are missing.
After we have used the pocket chart poem a few times as a class, I place this poem in the pocket chart center for the students to use as an independent words work/reading center.
This is an example of another poem that we will be using in October.
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