10 Number Word Books for Kindergarten

Number words are an important part of a Kindergarten curriculum! Kindergarten students read them, spell them, and write them! When teaching number words, I try to expose the kiddos to them as much as possible. One way that I do this is by incorporating number words into small group reading sessions. We use these number word books during guided reading, and then we place them in our book boxes to use as a familiar read later. These books are perfect for teaching number words, sight words, tracking print, text features, context clues, and more. When creating these books, I tried to keep them very predictable for new readers. They all follow a predictable pattern, and incorporate the number word on each page. If you would like to use these books in your classroom, they are available in my Teachers Pay Teachers shop. They are very easy to print and staple. No sorting needed! I created them so that they print 3 books with each set to save paper. I hope your kids love them!

Crystal McGinnis

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